3 Helpful Tips for New Mothers

Being a mother can be frightening. It may seem like yesterday, you were out having fun, not having to worry about any responsibilities and now you’re responsible for another human being. But as scary as it may seem, it can and will be the most rewarding and important job of your life: being a mom. No one can get a Ph.D. in it. You can’t do everything perfectly. If you’re worried about messing up, just take a deep breath and check out this list of tips for new moms.

1. It’s a Sore Subject

Your breasts will hurt. It comes with the territory (of breastfeeding). If you choose to use your breast pump before bed so that your man can do the middle-of-the-night feedings (it is a great way for him to bond with your little peanut), your breasts may be even more sore for the first month or so. Make sure that your milk is coming in regularly. In addition to that, try to use your breast pump about an hour after your morning feeding because that’s when your milk supply is at its highest.

If your babies just can’t seem to latch on, try nipple shields. The milk that leaks and remains under the shield can act as a moisturizer to prevent drying and cracking of your poor nipples. In addition to that, you can also use Lanolin creams. If you want to go the natural route, try coconut oil or olive oil.

2. Don’t Forget to Ask for Help

I know that everyone looks at those supermoms in awe and wonder but the lack of sleep isn’t worth that admiration. Sleep when the baby sleeps and for goodness sakes, don’t forget to ask others for help. For the most part, your parents will happily help watch their grandchildren and so will aunts and uncles. There’s no shame in asking others for a hand sometimes.

The opposite affect can occur though. Everyone will be willing to help you – even when you don’t want them to. You’ll get tons of advice about how YOU should raise YOUR baby. Remember that you don’t have to follow their advice. You will make the ultimate decision. Just because your mom had you sleep on your belly, doesn’t mean that your baby has to also. After all, you are the one there, noticing your baby’s signs and you have motherly instincts too. Pay attention to her clues and your instincts.

3. Learn to Laugh at Yourself

Being a mom can be seriously nerve-wracking but as long as you and your kids are safe and happy, you are doing a good job. Your life has changed significantly. You need to start looking at the bright side of things before you crack.

When it feels like to much, don’t forget to take a deep breath and look around you. What can you be grateful for? Is it 4AM feeding time? You may think that you won’t be missing these moments when your baby can sleep through the night, but you will probably go through a phase where you will miss this quiet, bonding time between you and your peanut. Are you covered in spit-up? Learn to laugh at yourself. If you go around taking parenting too seriously, you will miss out on all of those mistakes that you and your child will forever remember.

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Image by Public Domain Pictures (http://pixabay.com/en/baby-baby-with-mom-mother-kiss-165067/)

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