Be Careful What You Put on Social Media

We all have at least one social media account. But if you’re looking for a job, a boyfriend, a promotion, or anything else; you really should watch what you put online. Do yourself a favor and follow these smart social media rules so that you won’t find yourself without a job, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or friends:

  1. Google yourself first to see what other people can find out about you.
  2.  Don’t talk about work on Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else except for LinkedIn. Be careful there as well. Don’t bad-mouth anything or anyone.
  3. Check your privacy settings on Facebook. Make sure that the only people who can see those pictures of that wild party in college are your friends. Or better yet, don’t put them on Facebook at all.
  4.  Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to “Friending people” on social media sites.
  5.  Make sure that your employment history matches on all of your social media sites. So when future employers look up your name, everything will match.

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