Build Lasting Relationships

Throughout our lives we will be in different relationships with different people: our significant others, our kids, our friends, business & professional relations, that weird stalker guy in your office (Restraining orders are kind of like relationships, right?), etc.

Despite the different kinds of relationships that we will have, the groundwork that we have to build in order to have a strong connection will still be the same. Here are some of the building blocks that you need in order to have a good foundation.

1. Be cheerleaders for each other.

2. Learn how to compromise with each other.

3. Share burdens together.

4. Have open lines of communication between each other.

5. Show your appreciation often.

6. Don’t try to change each other.

7. You don’t have to spend every waking minute together.

8. Help each other be the best person that you can be.

9. Reminisce about the good times and don’t forget to create new memories as well.

10. Be a little unpredictable.

If you can do these things for each other, you will have a sturdy foundation for a powerful, long term relationship, whether it is a friendship or a marriage.




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