If you’re an introvert trying to be more outgoing or if you’ve been social distancing for a while and have forgotten how to “people”, this post is for you. “Peopling” is a term millennials and younger generations use in place of the term “socializing.” For some of us, this might feel daunting. If this sounds like you, here are a few tips to help you transition back into regularly seeing people again.
Start Slow
Like any other habit, try building it up slowly. Don’t start by jumping right into a big party. Instead, try meeting one friend for a coffee date to catch-up. After your coffee date, gauge how you are feeling. Do you feel tired? Did it invigorate you? Are you looking forward to some alone time? Are you excited to see other people in a while? There is no wrong answer.
Keep in mind that this is an activity you should enjoy. If you aren’t enjoying it there is an important question to ask: is it because of who you are with or is it because the activity was too overwhelming?
Listen to Your Body and Mind
If a social gathering makes you feel exhausted (mentally and/or physically), you might need a little extra time for yourself. This is okay. For people who tend to be introverted, this decompression time after socializing is extremely important. If you don’t heed this time for yourself, you could burn out quickly. That can lead to hurt feelings, distancing yourself in an unhealthy way, or resentful toward your friends.
It’s Okay to Say No
Remember that it is okay to say no to social gatherings. You don’t need to lie about it either. Just let your friends know that you’re feeling a bit socially exhausted. “I’ve peopled too much this week,” is a term my friends will hear from me every now and then. If your friends know you, they will understand. Just as long as you’re making an effort to see them every now and then, it’s healthy to be able to balance your time between “personal alone time” and “peopling.”
By: Jocelyn DeVore
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