When things aren’t quite going our way and the world throws us a curveball, it’s easy to feel down. Life isn’t going to always be full of happy moments and we are not going to be laughing at every occasion. it’s not realistic to be joyful every second of our lives. There are many obstacles and unexpected roadblocks that we encounter throughout this journey we call life. There are work-related, family-related, and even personal related experiences that we adapt to differently at different moments in our lives. Sometimes, we grow up in an environment that teaches us to suppress how we feel because it could give off a moment of weakness to those who are observing but in reality, suppressing feelings, especially sadness can take a toll on one’s physical and emotional well-being. It can feel as if there is a cloud always lingering. We all have permission to feel melancholic from time to time.
Sadness is normal. Being down about situations and/or outcomes that didn’t quite go as expected is also normal but if you know someone sad all the time, it may be a sign of depression. Given the stresses and pressures of today’s world, it is not surprising that more and more people are becoming depressed. Although sadness is a major sign, there are many other signs that show an individual is depressed. Key signs of depression to notice in people are persistent sadness, avoidance of social settings, erratic behavior such as canceling plans suddenly, anxiety and mood swings, crying without apparent reason, changes in eating habits, feelings of dejection, or worthlessness, unexplained absence from social media and many more.
If you notice these signs or any other unusual behavior, reach out. Find out if there is anything that you can do.
Let your friends and loved ones know you are there for them. Humans are social animals and crave connections even if they are introverts. Most people who are depressed aren’t going to ask for help and often just need to know that someone out their cares. The least we can do to help a depressed person deal with their depression is to let them know we have a listening ear and open heart. The truth is many just don’t know how. There is no wrong way to help someone in need. The only wrong way is ignoring them completely. You can tell a mutual loved one, give them information, and/or just let them know they aren’t alone.
By: Harper HarrisAbout Us
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