Why would you hire one of us as your life coach?

The simple answer to that question is that you are ready to make an effective change in your life to achieve a desired goal and increase your success and fulfillment

. Hiring a life coach will help provide the structure and accountability you need to discover and develop your strengths. At the same time, I will help you uncover your weaknesses and improve areas that need attention. A life coach works with clients over time rather than giving you a quick “self-help answer booklet” that tries to fix everyone. Instead, I will invest the time necessary to see real success as you reach your goals.

I will also design a life coaching plan that is specific to you as you are a unique individual and what works for one person may or may not work for another person. We will focus on YOU as I ask questions and listen to YOU we will clarify your goals and values, devise a plan of action and take each step together toward achieving that goal.

We will celebrate your victories and learn from your setbacks. I am committed to your success and that is why you should hire me as your life coach.

  1. Find clarity. It may be difficult to pinpoint your goals when you are juggling so many roles (i.e. parent, child, friend, employee, employer, spouse, sibling, etc.). There are so many areas of our life where we must make choices that we sometimes lose focus and need to find clarity in all of the choices we must make as we grow and change. Through life coaching, you will explore options, discover what is most important to you in your life, your career and your relationships and then design a plan for your life that centers on what is most important.
  2. Effective change and accountability – You may already know what you want to change about your life but you lack the motivation or direction it takes to bring about that change. There is a reason why programs that have weekly meetings work, accountability and support. Having someone hold you accountable for the steps you must take to bring about effective change will make you more committed to seeing your plan through to the end. Life coaches are also a partner in helping you identify action steps that will keep you focused and moving toward your goal. Having a person that is focused solely on you and your success, whether you are self-motivated or not, is a powerful tool in making a positive change in your life.
  3. To challenge you to excel. If we are stagnant in any area of our life, we may feel unfulfilled and unsatisfied in all areas of our life. As humans, we need to be challenged to continue to grow and learn through new experiences. Life coaching will help you discover new and exciting passions to explore. By taking on new challenges, you will see positive changes in all areas of your life. Life coaches also help clients excel in their careers by giving them an edge on those who do not have the benefits of a life coach. A life coach will help you move forward in your career by helping you focus on goals and taking specific action steps to reach each goal.

You may feel that life coaching is for those who lack motivation or direction. However, you can benefit from life coaching even if you are motivated because motivation without purpose or direction is simply going around in circles. Jump on a path that is going somewhere by hiring a life coach today.

Unlock Your Life

With effective life coaching tools

Are you stuck in a pattern that seems to repeat itself day after day? Do you want something more from life but you just do not know where to begin? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you can unlock your life and realize your goals through effective life coaching tools. Life coaches utilize three key tools to help individuals identify and define goals: questions, engaging exercises and motivational accountability.

Questions – Life coaches are trained to ask questions, listen and observe. The purpose of coaching is to help you look at where you are right now, define where you want to be and then formulate a way of getting there. In other words, a life coach uses questions that require a person to look deep within himself to discover their true passions and desires.

For example, to help bring clarity to an issue a life coach may ask “What haven’t you considered about that?” and “What if that was not true?” If you are dealing with issues that relate to your self-esteem or values a coach may ask, “If you had to completely rewrite your personality, what are the three things qualities that are the most important to you that you would keep?” To help define goals, a life coach may begin by asking, “If anything was possible, what would you be doing two years from today?” It may seem that asking these questions is just a way to eat up an hour or two of time; however, life coaches use questions like a funnel – – they begin with wide-open questions and continue to narrow the questions until you discover what it is that you truly want in a particular area of your life.

Engaging exercises – Depending on the life coach, he or she may use several exercises and life coaching tools to help you figure out what you want to change about your life. Journaling is an effective life coaching tool that will help you express your thoughts and feelings about thought-provoking topics that the life coach assigns to help bring greater self-awareness.

Homework is another way a life coach will help you reach your goal. By assigning specific homework assignments that are targeted to get you to take action that effects change, a life coach is helping you create new strategies and adopt new behaviors that will help you continue on the path to your goal. Your life coach will decide which life coaching tools to use with you after he or she works with you and learns more about you and your personality.

Motivational accountability – Think of a sports coach – – he evaluates his players, teaches techniques, provides tools, holds players accountable and cheers them on to a winning season. The same is true with a life coach.

During the initial discovery phase (or an evaluation), your coach will ask questions to discover what you want to address, focus on or change. She will then give you tools and techniques that you can use to design a concrete plan to achieve your short-term and long-term goals.

Giving you homework and holding you accountable helps keep you working toward your goal and when you feel frustrated or need additional help, your life coach will be there to cheer you through the process to reach your goals.

Life coaching is all about the process of change. Life coaches have developed effecting life coaching tools that help you make the positive changes so that you have a clear direction and path. Because each person is different, life coaches will design a plan that utilizes the tools that will be most effective for you to feel challenged and supported as you make a positive change in your life.

Life Coaching vs. Therapy vs. Counseling

What’s The Difference?

Types of Coaching

Life coaching, therapy and counseling are all designed to help a person in need. However, how each is used to provide help is somewhat different. In all three situations, clients have a safe, confidential environment where they can talk openly with someone who is non-judgmental. Counselors and therapists are also objective and neutral whereas a life coach is more of a partner because they help you take steps to achieve your goals. While all methods have elements in common, each is very different in its purpose and the methods used to help clients. Below we will look at each type to see how they are used and what each has to offer a person in need.

When does someone need counseling?

Professional counseling is designed to help a person who is suffering from emotional turmoil due to a specific life event or personal problem such as anger, depression, anxiety or grief. Counseling may be individual or may involve a couple, family or group whereas therapy and life coaching are usually focused solely on the individual even though both may involve others during the process.

Counseling helps individuals deal with emotional turmoil, improve communication, learn coping skills, and improve self-esteem. Counseling is generally centered on one specific problem such as dealing with the death of a loved one, coping with the loss of a job, helping couples resolve conflicts, or assisting families who are in conflict. It is also about something that the person is dealing with in the present rather than in the past.

Typically, once the issue that brought the person to a counselor is resolved or becomes manageable, counseling ends. Through counseling, an individual, couple or family gains insight into their feelings and learns how to deal with those feelings in a positive manner.

When does a person need therapy?

Therapy is used to treat mental and psychological disorders. Therapy is usually conducted by a psychiatrist, psychologist or clinical social worker and is required when someone is experiencing depression or anxiety that has become debilitating. It is also used in cases of substance abuse and mental disorders that have a physical cause. Therapy is often associated with something that has happened in the past that is causing the patient to have problems now.

Therapy has been referred to as the “talking” cure for mental illness because the patient talks about his or her feelings. As the patient continues to talk openly with a therapist, he will begin to trust the therapist and allow himself to become vulnerable.

It is in this safe environment that the patient begins to explore deep-seeded feelings such as fear, anxiety, loneliness and dissatisfaction. By continuing to discuss these feelings, the patient, with the help of his therapist, will learn how to make changes to cope with these feelings. Therapy may also involve the use of drugs as part of treatment.

What is life coaching?

Life coaching is not therapy and it is not counseling. Life coaching is about helping a person discover what he wants and developing a plan to achieve that goal. It is not focused on the past and it is not about offering solutions or answers to a client’s problems.

Through life coaching, a person will identify specific areas of his life that he wants to change. He will then develop a plan to effect this change with the help of his life coach. A life coach provides motivation, support and holds you accountable for taking the steps to achieve your personal goals. Life coaching is about making positive changes in your life by identifying specific goals, uncovering obstacles that are preventing you from reaching your goal and developing a plan to reach that goal.

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